Who is Lane Kiffin's ex-wife, Layla? Taking a closer look at the Ole Miss HC's relationship history

May 2024 · 6 minute read

Lane Kiffin is a well-known figure in the world of college football, having worked in various coaching capacities at a couple of programs. However, his personal life has also garnered significant attention due to his relationship history with his ex-wife, Layla.

Layla Kiffin was married to the Ole Miss head coach for 12 years. The two reportedly met in 1999 and started dating not long after. They tied the knot in 2004 while Lane was with USC. Their marriage ended in divorce in 2016 due to allegations of cheating.

Layla and Lane Kiffin had three children: daughters Landry and Presley and son Knox. The decision to part ways was a mutual one between the couple. Lane Kiffin, who was then the Alabama offensive coordinator under Nick Saban, told Fox Sports:

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Layla Kiffin's background and profile

Layla Reaves was born in Gainesville, Florida, on Jan. 3, 1974. She is the daughter of former quarterback John Reaves, who played in the NFL for 11 seasons and the USFL for three seasons. Like her father, Layla attended the University of Florida.

Not much information is available about Layla's mother, who had reportedly divorced her father. She was raised solely by her father and two brothers, Stephen and David Reaves. Both of her brothers are also involved in football in different capacities.

Layla is the founder and CEO of Manhattan-based gift-wrapping service, Pinched. The company offers a unique service that swiftly curates and beautifully wraps personalized or corporate gifts for individuals on tight schedules, ensuring prompt and hassle-free delivery.

Lane Kiffin denied having a relationship with Kristen Saban

Allstate Sugar Bowl - Baylor vs. Ole Miss

In the last days of Lane Kiffin's marriage to Layla, rumors of him being in a relationship with the daughter of Nick Saban, Kristen Saban, were up in the air. It gained traction after sports personalities Colin Cowherd and Clay Travis of Fox Sports tweeted about it.

However, Lane Kiffin came out to deny the allegation of any romantic relationship with Kristen. Jim Dunaway of WIAT 42 also confirmed the rumors were unfounded.

It was reported that Kristen Saban had just married her childhood friend Adam Setas not long before the rumors came out. It is believed in some quarters that the rumored relationship led to the split with Layla.

Lane Kiffin's current girlfriend, Jennifer Dardano

A couple of years after splitting with Layla, Lane Kiffin has a new girlfriend. The Ole Miss head coach is reportedly in a relationship with Jennifer Dardano. She is an Alabama native who grew up in Florida. She attended the University of Southern California.

Jennifer Dardano was previously married to plastic surgeon Anthony Dardano. She is a distinguished real estate agent associated with Douglas Elliman in Florida, focusing her expertise on exclusive luxury estates and waterfront properties.

Dardano has been a valued listing associate working alongside the esteemed Senada Adzem Team at Douglas Elliman in Boca Raton since 2013. In January 2016, she took the role of Development Onsite Salesperson at 1200 The Ocean Hillsboro Mile in the exclusive community of Hillsboro Beach.

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