SEAL Team Recap 3/21/18: Season 1 Episode 16 Never Get Out of the Boat

June 2024 · 7 minute read

SEAL Team Recap 3/21/18: Season 1 Episode 16 "Never Get Out of the Boat"

Tonight on CBS their new military drama Seal Team airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 21, 2018, episode and we have your Seal Team recap below.  On tonight’s Seal Team season 1 episode 16, “Never Get Out of the Boat as per the CBS synopsis, “Jason leads the SEAL Team on a dangerous daytime mission where Sonny is wounded and must rely on Clay and his brothers to save his life. Also, Jason sees more of Amy, and Clay struggles with his long-distance relationship with Stella.”

So make sure to come back to this spot between 9 PM and 10 PM ET for our Seal Team recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, spoilers, photos, recaps and more, right here!

Tonight’s SEAL Team recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Jason and his team were still in the Middle East on tonight’s all new episode of “ SEAL Team” as they looked for the man responsible for killing their friends in ECHO Team.

They were slowly moving up the ranks of people that had something another to do with the attack and unfortunately there weren’t getting a lot of answers. They always find a man with bodyguards, heavy security, and a family that claimed they were good people. These good people swore they didn’t deal with drugs or terrorist and that worked all the way up until they met Ellis. Ellis hits them with the evidence of who they were are and what they’ve done. That’s why she Pazir Al Mohamed on his drug connection. He was a chemist who could use his fancy degree to refine poppy fields into packages of heroin and Ellis wasn’t afraid to bring up his family. He had a wife and two kids that would be affected if he went to prison.

Pazir was working for dangerous people and those guys would have no problem with going after Pazir’s family and so Ellis used that to get Pazir to talk. The chemist told her the name of the man he worked for and it was a name known to Ellis. She knows Musa Ghany was one of the biggest drug dealers in the world and so she as well as the others questioned why Ghany would target ECHO. ECHO had been ordered to burn a poppy field which could have upset Ghany yet he probably has over a hundred other fields around the country. He didn’t need to burn up ECHO if he really was the one responsible and so the others tried to understand Ghany. Ghany could have taken what ECHO did as the last straw because of the drug prevention measures that were being put in effect.

Ghany also could have done it just to frighten others from moving against him and so the team didn’t know if Ghany or why though they had to prepare all the same. They tried to find other low-hanging fruit that could possibly verify Pazir’s claims and had decided to use Dorri. Dorri could pass a young teenage boy and so they sent her to the market hoping she could pick up any chatter she might hear while the others kept a close eye on her. There was a team on the chopper monitoring Dorri and there was also a two men grounds team. And what the men on the ground could saw was an automatic problem when two older gentlemen tried to flirt with Dorri. Dorri’s cover hadn’t been blown and so the guys were merely trying to pressure what they thought was a teenage boy.

That was bad in its own very wrong way, but the team were told not to risk their cover by leaving the car and Perry did that when he saw Dorri in trouble. She kept trying to tell the men she wasn’t interested and they hadn’t cared. So Perry left the car to say “he’s mine” and that got them to back down. They hadn’t wanted to shoot Perry at the market and so that allowed the team continue to look for their low-hanging fruit. They were looking for Bashir who acted as a bodyguard for Ghany and therefore they later figured out where Ghany was most likely located only they ran into several problems. The first problem they ran into was the measuring contest between Sonny and Spenser. Spenser had wanted to get ready his way and wouldn’t listen to Sonny who had more experience.

Sonny had told him to move some of his items to his pants pocket because he wouldn’t have time to reach into knapsack for what he needed and Spenser just wouldn’t listen. He said he wasn’t the new guy anymore and that it was time for Sonny to accept that yet some of Spenser’s aggression in the matter could have come from his personal life. He had found out his girlfriend was working closely with a male professor and had gotten really jealous. Spenser told Stella that she didn’t always have to be with this Gordon guy and she remined him that it was part of her job. She had tried to laugh off his jealous behavior and he just hadn’t wanted to back down. He thought he was in right and so it became this big thing that Stella eventually had to hang up on because she had to go to work.

Meanwhile, as this thing with Stella was unfolding, Sonny was in the room acting like a goofball in the background and that could have led to the later friction between the two men. The only reason they didn’t get into a fight was because Perry had broken things up before it become physical and so that hadn’t been the reason why the team hadn’t gone on their mapped out opp. The opp was going ahead until the CIA suddenly pulled the plug on the whole thing. They told Jason and his team the news as they were on the chopper and Jason hadn’t been told why. He though they were close to ending things and so he stormed into Belding’s office to demand answers. And he found out it hadn’t actually been the CIA that pulled the plug.

The CIA had gotten word from the DEA that Ghany was a protected asset. He was snitching on his competitors for them and so they wanted to protect the most ruthless man in all of Eastern Afghanistan, but Ellis had used every card she had (which included someone with an influential father) and she got them back their opp. The opp was supposed to take place at night and because of the delay it had to be rearranged. The team had to move in on Ghany during the day and lose their element of surprise. And so everyone knew it was going to be bad. It was just unfortunate that the guys that were supposed to capture Ghany often lost sight of their mission because of personal grievances.

They were told not to go after the stringers and some of them hadn’t been able to stop themselves when the conflict began. There was bombing from Ghany’s men and return fire from the SEALs, so a couple of guys decided to avenge ECHO Team by ignoring orders to focus on Ghany and that led to mistakes in the field. There had been a few of them that had gotten hurt and Sonny had almost died. He had been injured while the terrorist were moving in on him and the person that saved his life was the kid. Spenser cleared the field which allowed Sonny to escape and, not having to focus on his own team, Jason was able to pursue Ghany. Ghany was later capture not from the his hideout and Jason felt glad to bring him because he thought that meant it was all over.

Sadly, it turns out Ghany had nothing to do with the hit on ECHO because he sold that particular poppy field weeks before ECHO burnt to the ground and so the real culprit it still out there.

