League Two clubs to appeal after Macclesfield spared relegation

April 2024 · 7 minute read

Several League Two clubs want the English Football League to appeal against a disciplinary commission’s decision to deduct only two points from Macclesfield Town for the late payment of wages and misuse of an EFL loan — a ruling that narrowly saved the club from relegation at the expense of Stevenage.


Macclesfield were charged by the EFL on May 27 for failing to pay their players and staff the money they were owed for March, despite receiving a loan of almost £85,000 from the league to settle those debts “in the first instance”. It was the sixth time this season the Cheshire-based club had been late with wages and the third time the EFL had taken them to an independent disciplinary panel.

The three-man panel, which was chaired by Murray Rosen QC, heard the case on June 12, three days after clubs in League One and League Two voted to settle the season on a points-per-game basis, and issued its 18-page verdict a week later.

This meant Macclesfield Town went into the hearing knowing anything worse than a two-point sanction would take them below Stevenage into last place, sending them back to the National League two years after their promotion from the fifth tier.

Given the fact they have also failed to fulfil two league fixtures as scheduled this season, face a winding-up petition from HM Revenue and Customs and still owe former manager Sol Campbell money, many in the game, including the EFL board, expected the club to lose at least three points, sending them down and reprieving Stevenage.

But in a verdict that has caused fury at Stevenage and widespread shock elsewhere, the panel decided Macclesfield were guilty of both main charges but should only lose the two points suspended from their previous sanction in May, with a further four-point sanction suspended for all of next season.

The Athletic understands Carlisle United director John Nixon, the League Two clubs’ representative on the EFL board, was so annoyed he considered resigning and another League Two club chairman has written to the league telling them they must appeal against the verdict so they and several other clubs can make submissions to the judge, calling for a far more severe penalty than just two points.


The EFL is understood to be taking legal opinion on whether an appeal is worthwhile or not, and the league has another week to mull it over.

Meanwhile, Stevenage owner Phil Wallace is considering his options, too, although he has made it very clear he believes the EFL should appeal.

One League Two chairman, who wished to remain nameless, told The Athletic: “I was stunned by the ruling — it’s ridiculous. How can a panel come to that conclusion and then give them that punishment?

“What’s the point of giving a repeat offender another suspended sentence? I thought penalties were meant to increase if you keep breaking the rules — the leniency of these panels is beyond a joke. I think it’s time we made these penalties automatic so every time a club is late with its wages, bang, three points.

“It’s just like Bury last year. Everyone knew they had signed players they couldn’t afford and yet they were allowed to go up to League One, cheating Mansfield out of promotion, and then go bust that summer. Mansfield should’ve sued last year and I wouldn’t be surprised if Stevenage sue this year.”

There are some clubs in the league, though, that back the panel’s decision to let “sporting matters” such as relegations be decided on the pitch and not in arbitration hearings.

They point to the fact that Macclesfield Town did lose a total of 13 points this season but that was effectively rounded up to 16 points because of the effect of using a points-per-game calculation, and if Stevenage could only win three games all season, they only have themselves to blame.

One source even said Stevenage should not forget they faced their own EFL disciplinary charge this season for postponing a game against Oldham Athletic in November when they claimed three of their players had been called up for international duty. If clubs lose more than two players to international call-ups, they are entitled to ask for a postponement.


As it happened, Stevenage defender Luther James-Wildin did not travel abroad, as there was a question mark over his fitness, and there was some confusion over whether or not the call-up was rescinded by the national team in question, in this case Antigua and Barbuda.

The EFL believed the club manipulated the situation to avoid playing Oldham at a time when they had injury problems but the club strongly denied any wrongdoing and the charges were dismissed.

And it should also be pointed out that the Macclesfield situation is different to Bury’s, as Macclesfield did not bring in lots of particularly expensive players and in fact had a very modest budget this season. It is just that their owner, Amar Alkadhi, has been unable to fund the team. That fact is laid out in embarrassing detail in Rosen’s verdict.

Referring to “significant financial shortfalls and mismanagement”, Rosen writes the club has been “living a particularly hand-to-mouth existence”, which meant it faced “a moveable feast — or, rather, famine”.

The ruling also reveals that because one of Alkadhi’s bank accounts had been frozen, he had a habit of “sweeping” money out of the club’s accounts, whether it was really his, the club’s, the taxman’s or owed to somebody else, just so he could keep his hands on some cash, a manoeuvre Rosen described as “juggling”.

And this was effectively what happened to the £85,000 loan the club received from the league on April 14. Instead of using it to pay the outstanding wages he owed players and staff, he paid 80 per cent of their wages and settled a few smaller bills.

On the same day, a sum of £50,000 arrived from another source, which is redacted in the ruling, but £20,000 of this was sent to the club secretary, only for them to immediately send it back, while another £20,000 went to one of Alkadhi’s accounts. Three days later, the players were paid the rest of their wages but the staff had to wait another three weeks. In the meantime, Alkadhi sent £20,000 back to the club account.


Utterly fed up, the league felt it had no choice but to charge the club again, despite the last disciplinary commission in May, when Macclesfield were given a seven-point deduction, saying it was aware of the late payment of the March wage bill but did not believe a charge was necessary under the circumstance the entire country has faced with the coronavirus crisis.

This most recent panel, however, acknowledged that a charge was justified and described Alkadhi’s testimony as “not completely accurate” and said the club “has risked and still risks disaster” under his control.

But despite this “egregious misconduct”, the panel still believed relegating the club would be “disproportionate, unduly harsh and unnecessary”, hence the decision, which it admitted is unusual, to punish the club by activating a suspended sanction from May and impose a new penalty on next season but suspend that, too.

It also imposed a £20,000 fine, ordered the club to pay the EFL’s £7,000 legal bill and demanded a “professionally prepared business plan” by the end of July. This will be drawn up by former Macclesfield Town chairman Mark Blower, who has returned to the club in recent months to help save them. The club believe the judgment to be a fair one and are now concentrating on putting plans in place by the end of next month.

Whether this will work or not remains to be seen but the fact Alkadhi had to borrow £10,000 from the supporters’ trust to pay April’s wage bill does not bode well.

As one rival chairman put it: “Why does the panel think this time will be any different?”

(Photo: Gareth Copley/Getty Images)
