Kit Harington: To always be put on a pedestal as a hunk is slightly demeaning

May 2024 · 3 minute read


Kit Harington is not a big guy. At all. In photos, he seems like he could be sort of lanky, but he’s not. I doubt he’s much taller than 5’6”, although his official height is 5’8″ (yeah right). I’m not saying that as disrespect – he can’t help it! And at least he’s not wearing lifts. Although I do suspect that he’s probably standing on some crates during some Game of Thrones scenes. What’s my point? My point is that Kit really isn’t a bodice-ripping hunk. He isn’t traditional man-candy. He’s a small guy with permanent sad-face and nice hair. But to Kit’s way of thinking, we’re constantly ogling him and objectifying him. You know nothing, Kit Harington! Some highlights from a recent Kit interview:

Don’t objectify him: “To always be put on a pedestal as a hunk is slightly demeaning. It really is and it’s in the same way as it is for women. When an actor is seen only for her physical beauty, it can be quite offensive. Well, it’s not just men that can be inappropriate sexually; women can be as well. I’m in a successful TV show in a kind of leading man way and it can sometimes feel like your art is being put to one side for your sex appeal. And I don’t like that. In this position you get asked a lot, ‘Do you like being a heartthrob? Do you like being a hunk?’ Well, my answer is, ‘That’s not what I got into it for.”

He’s a romantic: “I’m a hopeless romantic, maybe to a fault at times, because it’s gotten me into trouble. But I love romance. I think it’s one of the greatest pleasures in life. It’s about giving each other something, it’s giving something away and it should be a most unselfish act. It’s saying, ‘I’ve hired a little cottage somewhere. We’re going away! Surprise!’”

He’s single: “I’m single and I have been for a while. And when I said that I’m a hopeless romantic, I’m trying not only to search for the love of my life, but to learn to be happy with myself and who I am as a person. Hopefully that lovely lady will come along one day. And although I love romance, I’m trying to live without it at the moment.”

His weakness when it comes to women: “Redheads. Love redheads.”

His popular hair: “Yeah, it irritates me. People become fascinated by very particular things and I find that really interesting, whether it’s a catchphrase or someone’s hair … But I love that I seem to have brilliant hair. I suppose it’s a great thing in life, isn’t it?” He laughs. “Especially that I’m terrified of going bald.”

[From Page Six]

Congrats, redheads. You can have the sad-faced wee bastard who knows nothing. This is actually one of my new favorite things: men getting pissy when they’re treated like pieces of meat, or when they’re treated like every single actress or woman out there. Even Jon Hamm got pissy about it when people started talking about the Hammaconda. My opinion? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Besides, listening to Kit Harington of all people complain about his beefcake status is… um… interesting? Maybe that’s because Kit is only like 16th most attractive dude on Game of Thrones. I’d rather bang The Hound before I’d do Jon Snow. I’d rather bang Jorah Mormont. I’d rather bang Jamie Lannister. I’d rather bang Brienne of Tarth.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
