Impact Wrestling Results (2/2): New Champion Crowned, EC3 Returns, The DCC vs. The Decay

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Tyurs tells the dummies that we won’t hear from Eli Drake tonight since they don’t know how to behave. They have the best briefcase in the world, and their challenge is, EC3. EC3 is not dressed to wrestle. Tyrus tells EC3 to show the ladies his abs, so EC3 pulls the shirt up. EC3 has a massive bruise that looks like the member berries. Drake attacks EC3 from behind before the bell rings. EC3 fires up with a series of right hands. EC3 connects with a back body drop. Drake drives his knee to the gut of EC3. Drake goes into a collar and elbow tie up.

Drake continues to maul EC3 on the outside. Drake with a clubbing blow to the back of EC3. EC3 lands a knife edge chop. Drake sends EC3 ribs first to the steel guard rail. Drake brings out a baseball bat. EC3 kicks Drake in the gut. EC3 rolls Drake back into the ring. Drake goes back to the ground and pound attack. Drake stomps on EC3 ribs. Drake with a forearm strike to the lower back region of EC3. EC3 lands a back elbow in the corner. Drake responds with a back breaker.

Drake repeatedly drives his knee to the ribs of EC3. EC3 kicks Drake in the chest. Drake again keeps control of the match with another back breaker for a two count. Drake rams his shoulders to the midsection of EC3 in the corner. Drake whips EC3 back first into the turnbuckles. EC3 explodes out of the corner with a running clothesline. EC3 with a jaw breaker to Drake. EC3 goes for the EC3 Splash, but Drake counters with a clothesline. Drake goes for a exploder suplex, but EC3 blocks it. EC3 with the O’Connor Roll to pickup the victory. After the match, Drake hits EC3 in the back with the baseball bat. Drake plants EC3 with an inverted stunner. Drake continues to attack EC3 with the baseball bat. The lights go out and The DCC appear in the ring. The DCC starts attacking EC3, Drake and Tyrus. Storm with the Last Call SuperKick to Drake. Bram sends Tyrus face first to the steel ring post. Kingston with the spinning back fist to Tyrus. Bram plants EC3 with the Spike Piledriver on the steel chair.

Thank you guys so much for checking out my coverage of this week’s Impact Wrestling. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums.

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Check out Episode 40 of the Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast.
