Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket Review 2022

April 2024 · 4 minute read

I’ve always been a fan of the mood-boosting and toxin-releasing benefits of hopping in the sauna or steam room, but, unfortunately, I have a very low tolerance for feeling overheated and dizzy—especially when I’m half-naked and surrounded by other gym-goers doused in sweat. When I found out about HigherDOSE’s Infrared V3 Sauna Blanket, (it’s basically an at-home, compact sauna that you can literally use while lying in your bed), I knew I had to get my hands on one ASAP. Besides, anything that *may* help me burn calories without actually having to move my body is bound to spike my interest.

HigherDOSE’s Infrared Sauna Blanket is touted for a slew of wellness-enhancing benefits, including detoxifying the body from heavy metals, giving the skin a natural glow, promoting natural high from mood-boosting endorphin release, reducing inflammation and chronic pain, and yes, even burning calories sans the whole exercise thing.

Here’s how it works: the blanket is equipped with infrared technology and emits far-infrared light as well as heat energy. The heat energy works to help boost your heart rate and overall blood circulation (just like when you’re working out or having sex), which in turn helps the body release feel-good neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, which also function as natural pain-killers.

HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna Blanket

The first time I tried the HigherDOSE sauna blanket, I laid it out on the floor away from my pets and grabbed a pillow to support my neck. It comes with a remote control featuring a dial with different intensity settings. I turned it on to level six before hopping inside and within just ten minutes it was already heated up and ready to go. When I got in (it zips up like a sleeping bag) I immediately felt a sense of calm emanate through my body—kind of like that cuddled feeling you get when you’re under a good weighted blanket or curled up with someone you’re in love with. As I began to warm up inside the blanket, I instantly knew that the hype surrounding this thing was legit, and that lying in this at-home sauna was going to become a daily ritual for me.

I gradually worked my up to a level 7 (8 is the highest level and is only to be used if the lower levels aren’t making you sweat, which wasn’t an issue for me). I stayed in for about 45 minutes—I didn’t want to get out, to be honest, but I had to get back to work *sigh*. When I got out of the blanket I was covered in a healthy amount of sweat (it was dripping down my arms, legs, and face), with a post-workout glow and a blissful feeling that I can only compare to a combination of runner’s high and post-yoga euphoria. No lightheadedness, feelings of claustrophobia, or extreme thirst.

On that note, what I really love about the HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna blanket is that, unlike full spectrum saunas, your face isn’t exposed, so I didn’t feel the heady dizziness or overwhelming dehydration that I do when I go to the sauna at my gym. This blanket really does give me a natural high as promised, and I feel like my anxiety is much more manageable when I use it consistently. Even my fiance can tell when I’ve used the blanket because I’m much calmer and less irritable for the remainder of the day post-sauna session (so yes, he’s now a fan too!).

HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna Blanket

You can use this blanket (almost) anywhere. I like to use it in bed or on the floor with a pillow and a good book.

A lot of people have asked me about how I clean the sauna blanket after use given all the sweating, and to be honest, it really hasn’t been an issue. When I go in I wear loose-fitting clothing and socks (a requirement) and then I place a bath towel underneath my back. This towel helps to absorb the sweat and fluids so that it doesn’t seep into the blanket itself. Aside from that, I just wipe it down. So far, I haven’t noticed any greasy residue or foul B.O. stench, but HighDOSE does make a cleaning solution formulated specifically to use on the blanket.

I am not even exaggerating in the slightest when I tell you that hopping into my sauna blanket is what I look forward to most each day. It’s been the single best self-care investment I’ve made in years (somehow, it even motivated me to start working out again?), and while it’s not exactly cheap, it’s worth every penny in my book.

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