Dwayne Johnson Slams The POTUS For His Response To The BLM Protests And More In Passionate Video Mes

May 2024 · 2 minute read

The Rock took to his platform of choice last night to slam the current president for the way he’s responded to the Black Lives Matter movement and the senseless murder of George Floyd that sparked nationwide protests. The actor shared a very passionate message in which he made it very clear that he’s not impressed with how Donald Trump reacted to the desperate demand for racial equality.

Dwayne Johnson did not name drop the POTUS in the 8 minutes long clip he shared and yet, the message was very clear!

‘Where are you? Where is our leader? Where are you? Where is our leader at this time? At this time when our country is down on its knees, begging, pleading, hurt, angry, frustrated, in pain, begging and pleading with its arms out just wanting to be heard,’ he started his rant.

As you know by now, Floyd was killed by a policeman who kneeled on his neck for almost nine minutes included well after he had become unresponsive.

The actor went on to address all those who have been arguing against the movement by stating that ‘all lives matter.’

‘Of course all lives matter, every single one. All lives matter because we as Americans believe in inclusivity, we believe in acceptance, we believe in human rights, we believe in equality for all. That’s what we believe in. So of course all lives matter. But in this moment right now, this defining, pivotal, explosive moment where our country is down on its knees, the floorboards of our country are becoming unhinged, in this moment, we must say the words, black lives matter,’ Johnson pointed out.


The actor also made sure to slam the president for using military force against the protesters, even those participating in peaceful demonstrations.

He then acknowledged and thanked the international support since the movement has been spreading all over the world in all kinds of forms, including protests organized in solidarity with the plight of the African-American community.


Check out the full video above for more on what the actor had to say.
