5 details about Anna Cardwell's murder

April 2024 ยท 6 minute read

The Wetumpka, Alabama, community witnessed the gruesome murder of Anna Cardwell a few years ago. The 20-year-old college student was fatally shot inside her home the morning after Valentine's Day in 2012 while her mother was out running errands. She was shot at least three times before getting struck by a fourth fatal shot to the back of her head.

An investigation eventually led to her shooter, Josh Caspari, receiving life in prison without the possibility of parole after pleading guilty to capital murder. Caspari reportedly confessed to killing Cardwell during an argument over a failed relationship he had with her friend. The latter's mother said that he "deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison" for what he did to her family.

On Monday, Murder Comes Home will further delve into Anna Cardwell's shooting death in an episode on March 6, 2023.

Anna Cardwell's shooting, her killer's confession, and more details about the case

1) Cardwell was found dead by her mother at a bloody crime scene

Anna Cardwell [left] and Josh Caspari [right] (Image via Montgomery Advertiser, Alabama Department of Corrections)

According to reports, Anna Cardwell was in her sophomore year of college by early 2012 and was living at her family home at the time. She spent Valentine's Day with her boyfriend and things seemed normal until the following morning when her mother Paula left the house to run some errands. She returned to the grisly crime scene about an hour later inside their Wetumpka, Alabama, home.

Cardwell was found shot to death in the kitchen, lying in a pool of blood. There were also bloody handprints, footprints, and drag marks inside the house suggesting a struggle between the victim and her assailant. But there were no signs of a forced entry. The killer used the victim's car to flee the scene.

2) The victim was shot four times

According to reports by WSFA 12 News, Anna Cardwell was first shot thrice - once in the shoulder and twice in the back, after which she attempted to flee through the kitchen and out the back door, as suggested by the bloody prints across the house. She was likely caught by her killer and dragged back inside, where she was fatally shot in the back of the head. The final shot, according to authorities, was what killed her.

3) One of Anna Cardwell's friends was soon arrested in connection to the murder

Josh Caspari, 22, was arrested in connection with Cardwell's shooting death after authorities learned of their disputes due to the former's failing relationship with the latter's friend Lacy. According to the victim's family, he was not happy that she did not support their relationship and even asked her friend to break things off with him.

Furthermore, Caspari's mother told authorities that she picked him up from a Winn Dixie parking lot that morning, the same place where Cardwell's abandoned Honda was found. His roommate, Cody Abernathy, later admitted to driving him to a wooded area, his alleged lookout spot, near the victim's house the same morning.

4) Evidence found at Josh Caspari's home linked him to the murder and a prior home invasion

While carrying out a search of Caspari's apartment, the authorities found 59 incriminating items that were taken as evidence, as per a report by Alabama. The evidence included muddy clothes, an identical weapon to the one used in the murder, $20,000 in cash, and illegal steroids. The suspect later told authorities that he and his roommate Cody Abernathy were behind a burglary at retired police officer Larry Mann's house.

Reports state that the burglary at Mann's house took place a few months prior to the shooting at Cardwell's home. Documents also mention that multiple guns, including a .9mm pistol which was later identified as the weapon used to kill Anna Cardwell, were stolen from his house.

5) Caspari pleaded guilty in connection to Anna Cardwell's shooting death in October 2013

Josh Caspari pleaded guilty to capital murder in Anna Cardwell's 2012 shooting death (Image via Find a Grave)

After detailed confessions, including revelations about his stalking and prior, but unsuccessful, attempt to execute his plan on February 10, Josh Caspari was charged with murder. Other charges were also imposed on him in connection to the case, to which he initially pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. He claimed that he accidentally shot the 20-year-old that morning.

However, in October 2013, a few weeks prior to his trial, Caspari pleaded guilty to capital murder and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The upcoming episode, titled Stuck in the Middle, airs on Monday at 7.00 pm ET on ID.

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